Welcome to the March edition of the International Cambridge Exams Officer eNews.
In this issue we provide information about receiving certificates for the November 2024 series and confidential materials for the June 2025 series. We also ask you to provide your centre’s Tax ID/VAT number for exam materials shipments.
Please get in touch if you need help or advice.
Best wishes Customer Services Team
Contact details
Make sure we have the correct contact details for your centre on Direct. See our website (under Phase 1 – Preparation) for details of how to update your contact details and change of address or name, or to request a change to the syllabuses your centre is eligible to enter. If no one at your centre has access to Direct, please contact us.
We no longer send printed copies of the handbook. You must print a copy of the Key Times and Full Centre Supervision section, and sections 4 and 5, and have them in all your exam rooms. We have created separate print-ready versions of these sections which are also available on our website.
Tax ID/VAT numbers for importing assessment materials
Local customs rules for importing our printed materials frequently change and we are increasingly being asked by local tax and customs authorities for our schools’ and centres’ Tax ID/VAT numbers as a mandatory requirement. We need to give this number to your import agent before we can despatch any assessment materials to you.
To avoid creating delays we want to make sure we have recorded every centre’s Tax ID/VAT* number so we can include them on our despatch documents.
* Different countries may use different terminology for their tax ID; your finance department should be able to tell you the correct number to send us or contact your local taxation authority or import agent.
What do I need to do?
You must provide us with your Tax ID/VAT number. You do not need to give us any proof of this number, or any other supporting documentation.
When do I need to provide Cambridge with our Tax ID/VAT number?
We need your number as soon as possible so we can continue to despatch your important assessment materials. Your customs authority will not clear our despatches without your Tax ID/VAT number.
We will not send any assessment materials to you via Digital File Despatch unless you provide us with satisfactory evidence that you have tried to obtain your Tax ID/VAT number from your local taxation authority.
If you are unable to let us have your Tax ID/VAT number for any reason, or have a question, contact us: info@cambridgeinternational.org
If we have already contacted you in 2025 to ask for your Tax ID/VAT number, and you have sent it to us, you can ignore this request.
Key tasks and activities
Our key dates cards provide a useful reminder of deadlines. Also see our monthly calendar for things to think about this month.
You can also download the icalendarto save all the key dates to your calendar.
Training for exam officers
New online course launched in 2025
In January 2025, we launched a new online course for exams officers who have less than one year’s experience in their role. The course is a 12-week, modular course (approximately 1–2 hours of study a week) and provides in-depth training for your role as a Cambridge exams officer.
This new course replaced the ‘Getting to know the Cambridge Exams Cycle’ course and the ‘Welcome to being a Cambridge exams officer’ webinar.
Due to high demand from our exams officers, our pilot courses are now full; however, there will be further opportunities to enrol on the new course. We will let you know when the course is available to book again.
To make sure we continue to support all exams officers as we move to the new course, all our exams officer webinars are available as usual. These are free and available to all exams officers. You can sign up to them on the Professional Development Calendaror see details below.
This free webinar is for exams officers who are running exams in the June 2025 series. Join for detailed information about our exam regulations, how to manage the exams, including dealing with the unexpected, and what to do at the end of the exam. You can also ask our Compliance team questions. This one-hour webinar is open to all exams officers.
This free-to-access, one-hour webinar is open to all exams officers and focuses on access arrangements. Our access arrangement experts will talk you through evidence of need for candidates with access arrangements, and the steps you follow to easily apply for access arrangements. You can also ask us questions about Apply for Access Arrangements. Please share details of this webinar with your Special Educational Needs Coordinator in your school if you have one.
The final entry deadline for the May 2025 series has now passed.
The final entry deadline for the October 2025 series is 16 August 2025.
If you are currently making entries, it is important to include candidates’ dates of birth and English as a First Language indicator if you would like this information on the diagnostic results reports. We cannot add this information later. If you have already submitted your entries, you can still make changes up until the entry deadline.
For the May test series, the withdrawal deadline has now passed. You can still request a withdrawal for medical reasons, following bereavement or other exceptional circumstances.
For the October test series, you can withdraw candidates until 16 August 2025 and receive a credit for the syllabus fee. You can make the withdrawal yourself, using Direct.
Phase 5: Exam day
Test dates
The test dates for 2025 are:
May series: 7–25 April 2025
October series: 6–17 October 2025.
Phase 6: Results and certificates
May 2025 series
Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Checkpoint results and moderator reports will be available from the ‘My Messages’ section of Direct on 19 June 2025.
October 2025 series
Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Checkpoint Global Perspectives results available to download from Direct: 18 December 2025.
Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Checkpoint diagnostic feedback available to download from Direct: 18 December 2025.
End of series reports available to download from the Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary support sites: late December.
Changes to Cambridge Checkpoint
We are making important changes to our Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Checkpoint test series from 2026:
Providing a new test series in early March 2026
Moving the May test series to late May
Moving to a one-week timetable for each test series, with tests taken on specific dates set by us. You will be able to choose the time of the test on the test day.
We are making these changes based on customer feedback – to improve the testing experience and provide greater security and convenience for our centres. There are no changes to Cambridge Checkpoint tests in 2025 or Cambridge Global Perspectives™ Checkpoint. For more details, see our website. If you have any queries, contact us via this webpage.
Preparing and submitting marks and work for Cambridge Checkpoint Global Perspectives using Submit for Assessment
From the October 2024 test series onwards, you must submit internally assessed marks and candidate work and samples for Cambridge Checkpoint Global Perspectives through Submit for Assessment. You will no longer be able to submit these through the Online Learning Area.
Visit the samples database to find out how to submit marks and/or work for every syllabus/component you have made entries for.
As the exams officer, you will have access to Submit for Assessment, which is hosted on My Cambridge, but your teaching colleagues may not. There is more information on our website about creating and managing My Cambridge accounts for colleagues in your centre.
Make sure you share this information again with any teachers in your centre who have previously used the Online Learning Area to submit marks and work.
November 2024
Phase 6: Results and certificates
Enquiries about results guide (UK) and Cambridge Handbook (UK Supplement) 2024
This month, you will receive certificates for the November 2024 series.Contactusif you have not received your certificates by the end of March. If your centre has any open enquiries about results when we send out certificates, we will send those certificates once we have completed all open enquiries for your centre; this is usually after the enquiry about results deadline.
You can ask for a replacement certificate using Results and Certificates –Form 12. The fee for this service is in our fees list. We can only replace November 2024 certificates until 30 September 2026.
If you have a timetable clash, you can apply for a timetable deviation. You should complete and return preparation - form 2at least four weeks before the day of the exam. You can only carry out a timetable deviation if we have approved it in writing
Phase 2: Entries
Cambridge Guide to Making Entries
We have made changes to the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.The latestversion is v4.Make sureyou download the latest version of the guide from Direct and delete previous versions.
Carrying forward an AS Level which includes a coursework component
Cambridge International AS and/or A Level coursework components can be carried forward to complete an AS or an A Level. This is only allowed if all of the other non-coursework components of the AS Level or A Level are taken in the current series.
A ‘mixed series’AS Level cannot be carried forward. This is to ensure consistent application of our rules for carry forward, and to make sure all candidates are treated fairly.
Carry forward of results: Cambridge International AS & A Level Design & Technology (9705) for examination in 2025
Cambridge International AS & A Level Design & Technology (9705) has been revised for first assessment in 2025.
Due to the revision of the qualification, there are some changes to carry-forward options available for assessment in 2025 only. See the 'Carry forward of results' document on the syllabus page for more information.
Other carry forward entry rules
There is more information about carry forward entry rules, and a carry forward regulations supplement on ourwebsite.
Include date of birth in candidate entries
When making candidate entries, you must include their date of birth. This is particularly important if candidates are planning to apply to universities in the UK as the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) uses this information to make sure they are processing the right results for each candidate.
Final entries
You can make late entries and amendments until 17 April 2025 via Direct and you will be charged in the usual way.
You can make changes to candidate details (name, date of birth, etc.) via Direct until 17 April 2025. After this date, you need to contact us so we can make any changes for you. We do not charge for changes to candidate details until after we produce certificates.
You can view withdrawal information on ourwebsite.
Statements of entry
Download your statements of entry from the ‘Reports’ tab in Direct. Give them to your candidates, including private candidates, so they can check their entry details.
The name shown on the statement of entry must be the candidate’s legal name. This is also the name the candidate should write on their scripts. We will use it on statements of results and certificates, so it is important to let us know if there are any errors. Make sure you do this before the final entries deadline to avoid late entry fees.
The centre name will be shown on the statement of entry for private candidates, but not on their certificates.
Alternative venues
If you realise that some of your candidates need to take their timetabled exams at a venue that is not your registered centre, you must complete and return Entries – Form 5 at least four weeks before the day of the exam. You may only use an alternative venue if we have approved it in writing.
Phase 3: Coursework and moderation
Pre-release materials for Cambridge IGCSE Drama
For Cambridge IGCSE Drama (0411 and (9-1) 0994) we will not send you printed pre-release materials based on estimated entries. You should download the pre-release materials from the School Support Hub and print them.
We will send printed clean copies with the question papers for candidates to use in the exam.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239) submission window
The window for submitting work for Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239/02, 03 & 04) in the June series is: 1–31 May 2025.
Submit work for Art & Design by Submit for Assessment
From 2025, you will need to submit Art & Design work to us for marking using Submit for Assessment.
If you send us any hardcopy work for the following Art & Design syllabuses from 2025, we will not mark it:
Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design (0400/01, 02)
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) Art & Design (0989/01, 02)
Cambridge O level Art & Design (6090/01, 02, 03)
Cambridge International AS & A Level Art & Design (9479/01, 02, 03).
If we receive any hardcopy work, we will return it to you unmarked, and you must submit the work using Submit for Assessment. This may delay your candidates receiving their results.
You can find additional guidance about using Submit for Assessment on our website, including a list of FAQs.
Submit your coursework accurately and on time
For any syllabus which has a coursework component or a speaking test, it is important that you or your teaching colleagues know:
when and how to submit your candidates’ work
which forms need to be submitted
how to submit marks for internally assessed components.
The samples database has detailed guidance about how to submit your candidate’s work (either via Submit for Assessment or in hardcopy) and the relevant deadline(s). You can also download the latest version of the forms for each component.
You must authenticate coursework before submitting it to us. If you are not confident that the work submitted by a candidate is their own, you should resolve this internally or not submit the work to us. See sections 3.2.1 and 3.3.1 of the Cambridge Handbook for more information, and our guidance for teachers for preventing plagiarism on our website.
When submitting coursework, you sign a declaration confirming that the work is the candidate’s own original work. This includes confirmation that:
the candidate has been taught how to correctly reference
they have appropriately referenced and acknowledged any content taken from another source
they understand we may consider it malpractice if they submit work containing plagiarised material.
Once you submit coursework to us, we may use plagiarism detection software to screen coursework. Our subject experts will review any coursework we suspect may contain plagiarism. If we find plagiarised work, we may:
consider it candidate malpractice
not accept the work
withhold the candidate’s marks for that component.
We may not request statements from you before closing the malpractice case and deciding the outcome, which we then tell you about.
You must submit coursework for marking or moderation by the relevant deadline. Your candidates’ results may be delayed if we do not receive your marks and samples by the deadline.
Phase 4: Before the exams
Cambridge ICT and IT practical tests
We provide guidance to support you with running practical exams for Information Technology, Computer Science and/or Information and Communication Technology. You can download the practical test instructions from our website. You will find the test dates for the June 2025 series on our website.
Pre-exam despatch
This month, we will send your pre-exam despatch which contains exam stationery, administrative documents, address labels, script packets, attendance registers, multiple-choice answer sheets, and bar-coded labels for internally assessed and non-timetabled components.
Pre-release materials
Check our websiteto find out how you will receive pre-release materials. It is important you share this information with teachers.
Confidential materials
This month, you will receive confidential materials for exams that take place before the timetabled series. When these arrive, the exams officer and another member of staff must check the packets carefully against the despatch note without opening them. Keep signed and dated records of this. We are rebranding our despatch notes and you will start to see these from late March onwards.
If you are missing any of the question paper packets listed on the despatch note, complete and return Before the exams – Form 2.
If the despatch has been damaged or opened in transit, complete and return Before the exams – Form 3.
A reminder of our support and guidance
Ourvideoshows you how to store the unopened question paper packets securely until the exam date shown on the timetable.
Make sure you have read and understood section 4 of the Cambridge Handbook.
Download our handling confidential materials poster from our website.
test any pre-recorded confidential material before the exam – follow the instructions in sections 5.7.2 and 5.7.5 of the Cambridge Handbook. Do not listen to the test materials in full or remove them from your centre – you are only listening to a small section to check for sound quality.
Remind candidates that we may consider it malpractice if they:
remove any question papers or question paper content from the exam room
discuss the content of a question paper or other confidential material, such as speaking test topics, with any other candidate until either the Key Time or end of the assessment window has passed.
Receiving question paper despatches
It is extremely important that you telephone us if you do not receive question paper packets within two days of the timetabled exam. Do not email us as this could delay our response.
Forecast grades
Please submit forecast grades for your candidates to us by 30 April 2025. This is information about how to do this on our website.
Additional sittings
You can only run additional sittings if we have approved them in writing. To apply for additional sittings send Preparation – Form 8 to info@cambridgeinternational.org with ‘Additional sittings – Compliance’ in the subject line. You must do this at least four weeks before the exam.
Phase 5: Exam day
Special consideration
Special consideration is a post-exam adjustment that we make to a candidate's mark. We do this to make allowances for some adverse circumstances, for example illness, bereavement, temporary injury, or disruption to an exam.
You can submit applications for different types of special consideration:
Present but disadvantaged candidates
Absent candidates
Coursework-related special consideration.
Candidates entered into the June 2025 series must:
have covered the whole course and
have completed a minimum of 15 per cent of the total assessment by component weighting in the relevant exam series. Carry-forward marks do not count.
Usually, the minimum requirements for calculating an assessed mark are that the candidate must:
have covered the whole course and
have completed 50 per cent of the total assessment by component weighting in the relevant exam series. Carry-forward marks do not count.
We cannot produce an A Level result where the candidate has not taken any A2 components. We cannot produce a result where the only component the candidate has taken is a separately endorsed component.
We will release results for Cambridge International AS & A Level on Tuesday 12August 2025 and for Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level on Tuesday 19 August 2025.
November 2025
Phase 1: Preparation
Final timetables
We plan to publish final timetables for the November 2025 series on 31 March 2025, in the 'Timetables' section of the ‘Support Materials’ area of Direct and on our website.
Phase 3: Coursework and moderation
Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239) submission window
The window for submitting work for Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239/02, 03 & 04) in the November series is: 1–31 October 2025.
Other items to be aware of
What's new – updated and new syllabuses
For the latest information about ‘What’s new’ from Cambridge, including details of new, revised and withdrawn programmes and qualifications, visit www.cambridgeinternational.org/new.
Our fees list for 2025 is available from the ‘My Messages’ section of Direct. It includes our exam, school registration and administration fees.
Private candidates
If your centre chooses to accept private candidates, you must make sure your private candidate policy (including your centre’s acceptance criteria and fees) is clearly described and accessible, e.g. available on your public website. You must share your policy and fees with all private candidates as soon as they register with your centre.
If your contact details change, or you no longer wish to accept private candidates, you must contact us as soon as possible.
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